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Colour  Workshop Tuesday 26th February
A big Thank you to Barry De Rose for  doing our first Workshop at the Centre

I enjoyed the colour workshop last Tuesday it was a good night
I think most of them enjoyed it
love Kathy    


I found the colour workshop to be very interesting, with some new understanding of our Chakras, ie their individual connections to our senses like sight, sound and touch etc. The Flower readings I found particularly enjoyable. I felt Barry De Rose kept us all interested with his friendly, entertaining and confident portrayal of our auras and how their colours can be perceived, as well as the colours and shapes in the flowers that were read after being chosen by each of us privately. Those amongst us who were willing to take part hands on by reading the auric colours and flowers also had the chance to do so with Barry's guidance where needed. Sadly I was not one of those brave enough to try this, but I did enjoy the night and congratulate those who did take part, It was very interesting. This was my first workshop, so I had no idea what to expect. Thank you Barry for making it an enjoyable one.

I am looking forward to attending the next workshop!

I must also congratulate Sharon and Gary on the success of the centre. I have finally found a centre that I feel very comfortable in and enjoy very much.

Hi Sharon & Gary
l attend the Barry-De-Rose colour workshop, and would like to say it was a very good night I learnt  a lot from it thanks.
 l would also like to thank you for my birthday cake, chocs and card a lovely thought Thanks  Doreen

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