St Edmunds Spiritual Centre

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HEALING! (Distant/Absent)

Spiritual healing is a process whereby a higher energy source is channelled through the healer via their healing guide who works closely within the healers auric&etheric fields, the energy flow then works its way through the body’s neural pathways and sends positive energy to the areas wherever its needed throughout the body. The person in receipt of the healing may feel a tingling sensation or a sense of upliftment whilst this process is taking place; those that go for more than one session of healing come back as sometimes frequent healing is necessary and they themselves feel some benefit from it, the healing process works in conjunction with the mind and thus is a two way process of positive influence and physical enlistment Distant or Absent healing can be seen as one and the same (in general distant healing is sending out combined positive thoughts and prayers to those that cant be reached or be actually present, absent healing works the same way as names can be entered into healing books all around the world and there are many healing circles who join together to send that energy and that of the higher spiritual source through healing guides everywhere so that energy can and does transcend time to go where it needs to go, having an open mind is important part of its process and the power of prayer through positive thought and action hopefully helps people benefit although some vary by differing experiences of its healing process it must be said that spiritual healing is complimentary to modern medicine, and through its increasing awareness and effect it is important for the general public to be aware that all healers must be qualified to a certificated level, producing identification badges and always displaying them so that the recipients of the healing have the confidence through the knowledge of that professional experience but ever more so guided by the light of spirit to helping those truly in need!

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