St Edmunds Spiritual Centre

Healing List
Information about Healing
Pictures of mediums
Psychic Art
Readings(one to one)
Workshop Comments
Trance Healing Night
Bus Timetable
Spiritual Experiences
Contact Us

Welcome to our Healing page where you can send in names to be put on our list that are in need of distant or absent healing to be put in our healing book at the centre and in our healing minute which we have during the evenings meetings you will also find below a place where you can add the names of people in need of healing please send any names to the contact us E-Mail address


We send loving thoughts and prayers in this
book and all healing books around the world to
the sick and suffering, the lonely, those in
despair and torment not forgetting the animal
kingdom too, may those that pass over into
your arms day and night be carried by your
angels to guide them back to that place that
dwells forever in loving memories; one day
knowing we will all be together:
Blessed by the angels
Always loved by god
Never forgotten in any moment!

Healing thoughts to be sent to all names below

Ivy James
Rhodda Pellett   for her progresion to Spirit
Pat Hendy
Tom Bamptom
Pete Hammond
Tom Hammond
Pat Baker  for her progression to Spirit
Bill Baker 
Toni Jopson 
Myria Abbott
Cathy Hewitt
Terrie Brushette
Bernadette Chenneler
Barry Chenneler
Taz and Bump
David Pellett
Linda Weeks
Kathy Davis

All material contained within this site is the property of St Edmunds Spiritual Centre and cannot be used without prior consent copyright(c)2008StEdmunds